Your partnership marketing program will be supported by the combined power of our client services teams' deep industry expertise and our proprietary analytics platform, APVision. APVision leverages BI and artificial intelligence to deliver integrated performance data to account teams – giving them more time to dedicate to program strategy and campaign evaluation.

Double Affiliation Limited offers weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual reviews to monitor your account performance and campaign progress.

This approach allows us to take a comprehensive look at:

  • A high-level overview of the prior week's program or partner recruitment
  • Activation performance
  • Accomplishments and action-oriented next steps
  • Program and publisher performance
  • Key performance indicators and goal achievements

We also provide data-driven strategy shift recommendations.


Our proprietary reporting suite, APVision, will help capture all available partner, promotion, and performance data.

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Fitness Brand Strengthens Partner Relationships, Boosting AOV 8% in Two Months

Learn how we helped this fitness brand creatively drive volume and strengthen partner relationships in our case study.


8% AOV increase for
incentivized partners

$273k+ revenue driven from
published articles in H1 2021

Top 5Buy Now, Pay Later is One of the Top 5 Revenue Drivers for Partners

569% incremental ROAS from
one coupon partner CPA increase